The Christ Centred Cosmic Civilisation
Rod Dreher wrote “to order the world rightly as Christians requires regarding all things as pointing to Christ”
Christ is the One in Whom in all things consist and humanity is not the measure of all things. If a defining characteristic of the modern world is disorder then the most fundamental act of resistance is to discover and life according to the deep, divine order of the heavens and the earth.
In this series we want to look at the big model of the universe that the Bible and Christian history provides.
It is a mind and heart expanding vision of reality.
It is not confined to the limits of our bodily senses - but tries to embrace levels fo reality that are not normally accessible or tangible to our exiled life on earth.
We live on this side of the cosmic curtain - and therefore the highest and greatest dimensions of reality are hidden to us… yet these dimensions exist and are the most fundamental framework for the whole of the heavens and the earth.
Throughout this series we want to pick away at all the threads of reality to see how they all join together - how they all find common meaning and reason in the great divine logic - the One who is the Logos, the LORD Jesus Christ - the greatest that both heaven and earth has to offer.
Colossians 1:15-23
The Divine Kingdom challenging modern perspectives

Episode 86 - Candlemas, Culinary History, and the Sacred Symbology of Almonds

Episode 85: Candlemas Reflections: Light, Nourishment, and Spiritual Insights

Episode 84 - Simeon and Anna: 600 years old Simeon ben Joshua from Sirach 48

Episode 83 - Rediscovering Festivals: Reviving the Sacredness of Christian Rituals and Festivals

Episode 82 - Candlemastide and Electric Light: The Journey of Light from Bethlehem

Episode 81 - Candlemas, Groundhog Day, and the Journey of the Holy Family

Episode 80 - Future Horizons and Sacred Traditions: Unveiling the Liturgical Year

Episode 79 - The Intricate Web of Paradigms and Perception

Episode 78 - Reimagining Reality How Beliefs Shape Our Worldview

Episode 77 - The Influence of Context on Scientific Interpretation

Episode 76 - Elephants and Concrete Mixers: Bridging Science, Theology, and Social Constructs

Episode 75: Sola Scriptura, Jewish Mysticism, and the Talmud

Episode 74- The Talmud and Christ: Challenges in Biblical Interpretations

Episode 73 - Was there a secret Gospel of Mark containing hidden mysteries?

Episode 72 - Is it sinful to vote in an election? - Faith, Politics, and the Legacy of Democracy

Episode 71 - Complex Cultural Cravings

Episode 70 - Happy Atoms and Sacred Numbers: A Cosmic Symphony

Episode 69 - The Octet Rule: Chemistry, Spiritual Renewal, and Cosmic Patterns

Episode 68 - The Cosmic Symphony: Christ and Atomic Structure

Episode 67 - The Alchemist's Quest: Divine Elements, Spiritual Purity, and the Ultimate Transformation

Episode 66 - The Alchemy of Christ: Hermeticism, Creation, and Divine Order

Episode 65 - Alchemy's Sacred Science: Linking Ancient Wisdom with Modern Particle Physics

Episode 64 - Pharmacon: Medicine, Magic, and Theology